5 Realizations between Living and Surviving

Turning another year old is just as important as receiving the package you ordered from an online shop a week ago. There's something to look forward to, and when you finally have it, you plan what to do with it. There's something about the age of 21 that makes it sound like the turning point of your life. But really, age doesn't matter. We have our own paces. But from my 21 quiet years of living, I wanted to shake it. I want to reach my fullest potential. I'm still a work in progress so I try not to be depressed about every single failure I face, especially at my workplace.

And because I just turned 21, here are my 5 Realizations between Living and Surviving (will be a bit cliche but it's definitely real)

1. Letting Go (i did say cliche, but real)

I've been around people who bring a bit of toxicity in their pockets, and I just want to be done with it. We all are toxic at some point, but it's not right to do it daily. We're at the point of our lives where we think letting go is just as easy as drinking a glass of beer water. Sorry, my bad. But still, from an overly attached Piscean, it wasn't easy for me to let go of some of the people who I thought will stay in my life for so long, or for eternity. But no, after fighting for so long, I finally let go of people because I'm not genuinely happy in their presence anymore. It does hurt, it will hurt, but it will be selfish to stay and pretend.

Selfish for yourself, because it negates the sense of self-care, and selfish to them, because you're stealing away their chance to be happy with someone else

2. Happiness is a Priority

Don't listen to people who try to make you feel overly guilty for choosing your happiness. How ironic, I've apologized to people who were disappointed in my decisions. But I was happy, I am happy. But I can't ignore the unrelenting feeling of people who disagrees with me as if their opinions are a huge factor in my life. The society shaped us from judgments. We try to fix ourselves base on how people judge us. So if they think we were wrong, we will forever think that we are in fact,  wrong. But you need to outgrow that attitude. I respect people and their opinion of me, I get hurt, but I will never let it shape me ever again.

I make my own decisions, and I make my own happiness. 

3. Make time for yourself & for the people around you

It's a necessity to give yourself a break from all the socialization at work, or with some friends. We all get tired at some point. But that doesn't mean we weren't happy with them. It's just a natural feeling. Don't be afraid to tell people you can't make it today, or you need some time alone. It's actually easier to do it now, from the hundreds to thousands of people who continuously realize that alone time is healthy. People everywhere are voicing out, not like before where it was a constant struggle to go out alone without being judged as lonely.

4. Learn to say NO

I told you, it's cliche but it's real. This one's hard, and I'm still trying to figure out how to do that. It was never easy to reject people especially of those who are close to you. But you can't say yes to everything. Someone special once shared his words of wisdom to me at work. He said I can't just keep on accepting job orders without managing my time schedule, and how much more I can take. I should learn how to compromise, to meet them halfway, to say NO when I can't really do it. Because saying no is better than agreeing every single time and not entirely making the jobs on time. Because if you failed to provide what they asked for, they will put the blame on you.

So don't feel bad, or don't ever feel guilty for rejecting someone or something. 

Only take what you can, don't abuse yourself, and eventually fail to do the things because of squeezing everything in your schedule.

5. Never stop exploring

I have always loved nature. I've always wanted to go out, to discover beaches, mountains, islands, forests and more. But my limited knowledge of places, of making my own itinerary, saving, or commuting stopped me from doing those things, until I found that one person who wants to do the same things. Eventually, we went to places we've never been - falls, mountains, rivers. Every destination is a new experience for me, for us. We both love the sound of water, the sound of birds, we talk about nonsense things but engage in deep meaningful conversations. I'm trying to find a home in myself, but I found one in someone else.

While I make my way trying to find who I am, I found another person, and I guess I'll just have to look forward to more adventures and explorations with him. So don't be afraid to try new things, never stop exploring, it's what makes life worth living. #WellnessAdventure

Yay! Happy 21st to me (Feb 27)! I'm glad I was able to take some time to blog again, and to share some of the realizations I have that changed me. I feel like a growing phoenix. Hahaha! Don't forget to comment and subscribe, and live! Don't just survive life, live it the way it's meant to be lived!!!

Here's Hey Barbara by IV of Spades to bless your ears ♥

Hey Barbara - IV of Spades


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