Inequality: A Life in an Unfair Society

by Charlton Miguel Baduya
Have you ever tried to imitate
a black person? I bet you a hundred
bucks that if you did, you talked in slang & acted like a
"gangsta". Do you have an asian friend or neighbor? If I ask you to
describe this person, would being a math prodigy or martial arts expert be one
of your answers? Or if an Arabic man taps your shoulder on the street asking for
directions, what would come to your mind? Would you simply think of the man as
someone lost or would you immediately think of him as a terrorist? Why am I
asking these questions about your perception on people, you might be wondering.
Well the reason for that is because you know in yourself that in some, if not
all of those questions, you gave the same answer as I have guessed or provided
as an example. Which is referred to as stereotyping. Which then leads to an
even greater form of stereotyping, which is inequality.
Now, you may be wondering, what's wrong with inequality or why is it
even a big deal to society? Well, it is a big deal because inequality basically
means treating a person unfairly due to his or her racial background, religious
beliefs, or even gender. Now ask yourselves, who deserves to be treated
unfairly? No one. No one deserves to be treated unfairly. Especially not
because of his or her race, religion, or gender. Each and every one of us may
have a different skin color, we may speak a different accent, or believe in
different gods, but there is one thing most people don’t realize: we are all
equal as human beings. Which means that each and every one of us deserves to be
treated right and to be accepted in our judgmental society that shouldn’t
even be judgmental in the first place.
Charlton Miguel Baduya
Charlton Miguel Baduya
I'm an extroverted bookworm, comic geek, and gamer whose passion is almost always related to pop culture. There's a lot of things I enjoy doing, but unfortunately, I lack the skills where my passion is. That's why I always try to find myself & figure out where I want to be in the future.
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