The Sunday Series//EP. 01
Like deciding that you want to do it already.
I'm trying to assess my self and organize my messy life. Although my social media posts cover it up for me, i'm just as vulnerable and undecided as much as everyone. (Now listening to Lorde's Perfect Places btw. Makes me wanna cry huhuhu) So last night, I decided to just launch my own The Sunday Series. It's like The Sunday Currently, but not currently. Lol. Just yesterday, i took a half day social media sabbath day. I went to Robinsons Place alone, had my lunch alone. I shopped for office supplies at National Book Store, and played a bit at Sports Zone. It was sad at first, because it's been so long when i last had my me time. But then i realized it's already normal for me to do it, and so i enjoyed the day with myself.
I made it "The Sunday Series" because the only day off I have from work is yes, Sunday. By Sunday, i'm free and i have money. HAHA. Our salary is on a weekly basis, so i love the weekends. If you want to make your own "The Sunday Series", please do so, and tag me because I would want to read and experience your own kind of Sunday :) So, here it is.
I woke up pretty late, about eleven in the morning. I usually wake up around 6am, so I feel bad waking up around that time. After 2 hours of grooming myself (because i'm watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S too, haha), I took my shoulder bag with me because damn leather backpack betrayed me. Pakshet, wala pang one month yun. Hahaha. But anyway, I proceeded to Robinsons Place. I wanted to try other food place but it's Sunday, it's family day, so it's fully packed. So after circling around the three floors, I settled for Giligan's because i'm already familiar with the menu and the prices. I would've eaten at Jollibee if it wasn't full :( I didn't enjoy my lunch. The Giligan's branch at Robinsons is not airconditioned so when I went in, BOOM HUMIDITY. HAHAHA
I sat near where the electric fan is. After I told them my order, they served me hot soup as usual. But it's not as tasty as the one in SM Naga. I ordered Chicken Yakitori, and again, it's mostly burnt. But i'm hungry, so i ate it all. Hahaha. SM Naga's Giligan's was way much better.
After that, I went to National Book Store to buy office supplies for my little office in my dorm, and for my actual work. I bought the cheap file holder for the papers I have in my room. Paperclips, notepads and folders for my work. It actually made me feel better thinking that i'm going somewhere with this small step of buying organizer stuff.
Calamansi Cane for Php65.00 |
It took me two hours just for like four pieces of supplies! Haha, always hard to choose. My next agenda was to buy Pure Nectar juice! I ordered the Calamansi Cane again. Here's what I seriously like about it: It's refreshing, it's tasty and healthy, and the bottle is just so cute!!!
Here are their prices. It's a bit pricey because it's cold pressed and a hundred percent natural. But for something so healthy and tasty, I will try the other fruit juices again next time. It also kept me full for a couple of hours. I played at Sports Zone for a couple of minutes. I'm back to where I was, frustrated at the crane machine.
I went back home because I got tired walking around. I resumed my F.R.I.E.N.D.S binge-watching before I had my dinner.
I was supposed to have dinner on my own, but since my special alien just finished his work, he was just in time to have dinner also so we went to Lot 169 Gastro Park together. It's a new food park around Bagumbayan Sur, Naga City. So close to where I live, and it's open until midnight!
Php15.00 iced teas at WORTH EAT |
I'll actually blog about it on a different entry because I forgot to take picture of the Omelette in a Hole from Happy Abby's All-Day Pancakes I just ate because i'm such a monster, and I like eating, and it's so warm and yummy, and I forgot about it i am sorry. Hahaha. Meanwhile, Martin ate a yummy cordon bleu!!! I'll try that next time. It's so creamy, and again sorry for no pictures. I'll go back there anyway. It seems like a new hangout x chill place for me. Hehehe.
So that's it! Yaaaay! After all the tiring but happy things I did for the day, it ended up just as happy and fulfilling, to be with myself, and to be with the alien i love (after a week of not seeing each other).
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