The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur - Book Review

Title: The Sun and Her Flowers
Author: Rupi Kaur
Date of Publish: May 30, 2017
Publishing Company: Andres McMeel Publishing
Book Rate: 4/5

I like it!!! Rupi Kaur's words are not complicated, but it still gives the reader quite a painful and magical journey through this collection. I personally like the first and last part, wilting and blooming. Wilting had a huge impact on me. Especially when it comes to sexual harassment. 

While you turn every page of the first part, expect to feel a pang of pain, some may even cry (i almost did). But no worries because Rupi made sure to put tiny sunflowers floating above your head on the last part. 

Unlike other poems that revolves around pain and love alone, The Sun and her Flowers also talks about the relevant issues Rupi faced, such as the life of an immigrant and more on femininity.

Here's one of my favorites on the blooming chapter:

And her message that gave me a clear understanding that getting lost is a necessary step to find what i really want, and who i really am.


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